Welcome to my Homepage Digital Artist Residency Program!
New to the area and need a temporary home while adjusting to cyberspace? Tired of your online persona and looking for a place to try something different? Messy project that your landlord doesn't approve of? Or maybe you're just looking for a vacation...
About The program
Welcome to my Homepage is an international online residency program hosted by The Museum of Human Achievement in Austin, TX that offers artists a low-stakes opportunity to experiment and expand their practice, explore the web as a site for creative production, and reach new audiences. For visitors, the Homepage is a non-traditional art venue that encourages net.art appreciation and conversation both online and IRL. Welcome to my Homepage was founded in 2014 and has since hosted over 100 artists from across the world wide web.
Residencies occur monthly. Open calls are announced in our community MoHA Discord, Instagram, and newsletter.
No coding necessary! Welcome to my Homepage provides a user-friendly web builder in which to explore digital-studio practice, build a new body of work, host a durational performance, or whatever suits your hopes and dreams. We also provide a $250 honorarium, user guides, 1:1 virtual studio visits, and promotion for your project.
Application currently closed
Applicants to the recent open call will be notified by Feb 5, 2025. Stay tuned for our next open call in Summer 2025!
Past themes
In 2022, we introduced themed open calls. Past themes have been Systems at Risk, Friendship Bracelets and other Shareware, Techno-optimism, and Bandwidth.
About the application
Our application asks for a Statement of Interest or Residency Proposal (300 words or less), brief Artist Statement (200 words or less), brief Bio (200 words or less), your CV or resume, and work samples (up to 5 links and/or a PDF of up to 10 images). Don't sweat it! We prefer brief, honest, and you over something fancy, academic, and perfect.
Who is this for?
We host residents of all sorts, but we especially like folks who haven't had an opportunity like this before, are on the verge of something new and want time to experiment, or are stuck in a rut and need an excuse to get going again.
You don't need to be a net artist or digital artist (we've also hosted performers, poets, puppeteers, filmmakers, healthcare workers, musicians, you name it).
Our jury panel looks for proposals that sound fun, thoughtful, interesting, exciting, or challenging and also reasonable to achieve in the relatively short 3-week time period.
Who isn't this for?
We do not host undergrad or grad students, past Welcome to my Homepage residents, or those who have been a CATS+ resident in the past year. This allows us host more folks who may not already be connected with resources and opportunities. We still love you though! Drop us a line if you'd like to tell us about something you're working on.
Applicant FAQs
> How often do y’all do Open Calls? About every 4 months, or three cycles per year with four artists selected per cycle. Occasionally we do an invitational round. > Are there fees to apply? Nope, it's free to apply! > What is the selection process like? The selection process is led by a jury consisting of 1 or 2 MoHA staff, a past resident artist, a member of our advisory board, and a community member. They review and rate all applications individually, then we all meet to discuss the top 66% of applicants and any lower scoring applicants that a single juror feels passionate about to determine our selections. > Are there formal meetings during the residency? How meetings happen is up to the resident. Some artists prefer regular weekly studio visits while others prefer to reach out as needed. We’re happy to support you in the ways that make sense for you. > What website host do you use? We use Wix.com, a user-friendly drag and drop HTML5 web-builder, no need for coding skills or programming experience required! If you do want to utilize those skills, you’re also welcome to self host a project. We also have a heap of easy to learn, open-source, tiny web tools we can recommend for different projects. > Do you host performance artists? Definitely! We’ve had artists in the past who have done live-stream performance during their residency or created performance for video. The performance can also be purely screen-based, such as a live screen recording. All kinds of proposals are welcome. > What kind of proposals aren't as successful? Projects that rely on audience participation to complete the work can be tough. Projects that are beyond the limitations of the residency (3-weeks, online) are also a tougher pitch.
More Questions?
Don't hesitate to reach out! We love answering questions.
General questions - irl@themuseumofhumanachievement.com
Rachel Stuckey, Director - rachel@themuseumofhumanachievement.com
Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram to keep up to date on opportunities!
Welcome to my Homepage is a programs of The Museum of Human Achievement. It is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and in part by the City of Austin through the Grant for Technology Opportunities Program.